I've watched it thrice on Blu-Ray now. A deeply flawed, unimaginative and hollow movie. Not as bad as "The Last Moof-Milker" (Tesla!) but still very bad.
The ST is devoid of imagination. There were many complaints about Lucas's use of CG to create environments, but as long as they're are made well and are interesting, I really don't care. Two new, almost identical, desert planets in the same trilogy? Jakku and Pasaana? Heck, three (perhaps even four if the boring, flashridden planet of Exegol fits), including Tatooine, were shown in TROS. When I first saw the movie in theater, I was unsure if the Resistance (or was it back to Rebels) base perhaps was on the Endor moon or something. I take even Otoh Gunga before the ST settings any day.
Planet-killing weapons were old by the time of ROTJ and by TFA the concept felt passé. By introducing lazily modified Star Destroyer models from "Rogue One" with planet destroying weapons, I can't but feel that Star Wars jumped the shark. It also introduces plot holes wide enough for said Star Destroyers to fit through. And from where did the resources to build the tens of thousands of Star Destroyers with planet-killing capability come from anyway? Why the need of Starkiller?
The characters are mostly carbon copies of the original characters. Heck, Poe now has the same background as Han! Rey, THE BESTAST JEDI EVAR not only meditates, oh no, she floats in the air while doing so. The Force FaceTime, after everyone have forgotten it was Snoke setting up the bridge, has now been upgraded to allow Rey and Kylo to duke it out and to transfer objects. My oh my. Luke couldn't physically interact in VIII (and died to boot), but that's a non-issue for Rey and Kylo. Speaking of physical interaction, as Yoda in VIII, Luke can interact with the physical realm. Heck, he could even grab his lightsaber! That opens up a can of worms... If Luke knew that she was a Palpatine, then why did he ask "Who are you" in the trainwreck called "The Last Jedi"?
The biggest sin was the return of Palpatine. When I watched it in theater, my initial feeling was that it at least was fun to hear (as the egregious flashing made it difficult to see) Ian McDiarmid cackling, but that feeling soon faded away. And the irrevent changes to how the Sith and the Force works (including Force ghosts) felt cheap. Making Rey a Palpatine? What were they thinking? Rey had no connection to him! It fell completely flat. But hey, we can always assume a new name. And the waste of Harrison Ford nearly infuriates me!
I then watched The Clone Wars movie. That, my friends, IS Star Wars.